Choose a sailing area
Cruise length
Age of the unit
from 0 to10 years
Unit length
from 2 to 10 ft
from 2 to 10 m
from 2 to 10
Cabins number
from 2 to 10
Number of toilets
from 2 to 10
Unit type
Yacht type
Price in EUR

How much does it cost to rent a yacht in Croatia?

How much does it cost to rent a yacht in Croatia? What costs do you have to consider when choosing a yacht charter in Croatia? What is worth remembering when booking a boat? What determines the rental price and what can be done to pay as little as possible for the cruise? Below we have gathered some tips to help you find answers to these questions.

How much does a yacht charter in Croatia cost? It depends

Poles who want to experience a real sailing adventure are more and more willing to rent a yacht in Croatia . What is the reason for the growing popularity of this solution? It probably has several components, the most important of which are:

  • extensive infrastructure,
  • friendly atmosphere,
  • good sailing conditions,
  • easy access,
  • relatively long season.

However, it is worth remembering that yacht charter prices in Croatia can vary greatly. They are usually the result of elements such as:

  • unit size and equipment,
  • its age and popularity in a given body of water,
  • location – marinas located close to the airport are usually more expensive,
  • season, the time of year.

It must be emphasized that it is the latter factor that has the greatest impact on how much it costs to rent a yacht in Croatia . And this is very good news for charterers. It means that with a bit of luck you can find attractive offers at very affordable prices. How does it look in practice? When is the weather/price ratio best for the landlord? To answer these questions, let's look at boat prices at different times of the year.

Yacht charter in Croatia in the high season

In Croatia, the so-called high season falls exactly on our holidays, so in July and August. The weather is then the most favorable and the sailing conditions are excellent. Unfortunately, this has an impact on prices.

The cost of yacht charter in Croatia is by far the highest in the summer. Below are examples of price ranges:

  • renting a ten-year-old, two-cabin unit for 4 people is about 1500-1800 euros,
  • chartering a new yacht in the same configuration of cabins (2 × 2) is already an expense of 2000-2300 euros,
  • a few-year-old, four-cabin boat for up to 10 people costs about 3000-4000 euros, depending on the age of the vessel,
  • a catamaran up to 40 feet costs around EUR 4,500-5,000, and a larger, 45-foot catamaran - around EUR 8,000-9,000.

Yacht charter in Croatia in the middle season

The average season in Croatia falls on June and September, i.e. in the months around the holidays. Then you should not expect heat, which, however, is not always a disadvantage - it is worth remembering that sailing in the scorching sun is not necessarily pleasant. In the middle season, the crowd in the marinas is much smaller and the days are still relatively long. Thanks to this, you can enjoy sailing and visit interesting places without crowds of tourists.

Most importantly, however, yacht charter prices in Croatia are clearly lower then: a two-cabin boat costs EUR 1,200-1,600, and a three-cabin - EUR 1,500-2,500. For a 40-foot catamaran you have to pay only 4,500-5,000 euros, and for a 45-foot catamaran - up to 7,000 euros.

Yacht charter in Croatia in the low season

April and October are considered low season. The weather can be capricious then, and evenings and nights are usually quite cool. Therefore, the amount spent on webasto fuel should be added to the boat rental price. You also have to take into account the fact that not all marinas or attractions will be open at that time.

Nevertheless, people for whom cheap yacht charter in Croatia is a priority often decide to rent a boat in this season. Thanks to this, they can visit this beautiful country without crowds and haste, and with a bit of luck they have a chance to find quite nice weather conditions.

How much does it cost to rent a yacht in Croatia in low season? It is safe to say that the prices are extremely attractive at the time. A two-cabin yacht costs around EUR 500-600, and a four-cabin yacht costs around EUR 1,000.

Additional fees when renting a yacht in Croatia

It is worth remembering that the total cost of yacht charter in Croatia is not only the rental price. Sometimes additional elements should be added to it, such as:

  • fuel,
  • cleaning,
  • additional insurance,
  • cost of parking in marinas,
  • parking (if we came by car).
  • hiring a skipper (if no one in the crew can perform this role. More about the qualifications required in Croatia here ).

How to find the cheapest yacht in Croatia?

When deciding to charter a yacht in Croatia , it is worth following the prices and comparing them on an ongoing basis. We encourage you to visit our website often and like us on social media. Thanks to this, you can easily find real deals and be one step ahead of others.

A good way to reduce the cost of renting a boat is also to take advantage of such opportunities as:

  • first minute,
  • last minute,
  • booking during the fair.

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