Choose a sailing area
Cruise length
Age of the unit
from 0 to10 years
Unit length
from 2 to 10 ft
from 2 to 10 m
from 2 to 10
Cabins number
from 2 to 10
Number of toilets
from 2 to 10
Unit type
Yacht type
Price in EUR

What sailing licenses are required in Greece?

What sailing licenses are required in Greece? What kind of sailing license is required in Greece? Who and under what conditions can sail yachts in those waters? Is the Polish sailing patent issued by PZŻ useful for anything? For what reason Greek regulations require the presence of the so-called co-skipper and what conditions must be met in order to perform such a function? We will explain all the above issues in a moment.

Sailing licenses in Greece

Sunny Greece is considered a real paradise for sailors for a reason. It is worth recalling that there are as many as six different reservoirs waiting for them there, namely:

  • Cyclades,
  • Ionian Sea,
  • Saronic Gulf,
  • Dodecanese,
  • Sporades,
  • Chalkidiki.

What is extremely important, the specificity of each of these places is slightly different from the others, and it takes at least a few seasons to get to know Greece thoroughly from the deck level. It also means that if you want to sail a yacht safely in those waters, you need not only a sailing licence, but also some sophistication and experience .

Is the Polish sailing license valid in Greece?

Of course. It is worth bearing in mind that the sailing licenses required by law in Greece are not much different from those required in other European countries. This means that to be able to move freely in the local waters, you must have at least a yacht helmsman's license .

Also note that it is not necessary to hold a VHF Radio Operator's Certificate (SRC) in Greece.

What yacht can be sailed in Greece with a Polish JSM patent?

It is worth noting that sailing licenses in Greece are subject to similar regulations as in Poland. This means that holders of a yacht helmsman license can operate the following types of vessels there:

  • yacht up to 18 meters long,
  • catamaran up to 18 meters long.

Due to the high degree of difficulty of sailing in Greek waters, local regulations additionally require the presence on board of the so-called co-skipper .

Co-skipper - mandatory in Greece

An interesting fact is that Greek regulations apply not only to the person who will drive the yacht, but also to the crew members. The law requires that in addition to the captain, there must be another person on board with any sailing experience.

Such a member is to act as co-skipper, i.e. the assistant (deputy) of the captain. If necessary, its task is to safely lead the vessel to the nearest port. Fortunately , the legal requirements for a co-skipper are not too strict. The person performing this function does not have to have any sailing qualifications. It is enough for him to declare that he agrees to play this role and that he has experience on the water.

Yacht charter in Greece - how to rent a yacht?

Possessing the appropriate sailing license, in Greece you can really go crazy. The variety of local waters means that both experienced sea wolves who want to experience a real adventure under sail, as well as lovers of blissful madness, will find something for themselves.

If you want to rent a yacht, just go to the website of a good charter company that has extensive experience and provides access to a wide base of units from proven shipowners.

The latest sailing advice from Charter Navigator

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