Choose a sailing area
Cruise length
Age of the unit
from 0 to10 years
Unit length
from 2 to 10 ft
from 2 to 10 m
from 2 to 10
Cabins number
from 2 to 10
Number of toilets
from 2 to 10
Unit type
Yacht type
Price in EUR

New Year's Eve is just around the corner, how about a charter in Croatia?

New Year's Eve is just around the corner, how about a charter in Croatia? New Year's Eve is fast approaching and it's high time to think about how we are going to celebrate this noble occasion. And summarizing the events of 2020, it can be safely assumed that we all want to end it as soon as possible. And with a bang. With this in mind, we want to offer you a party on a yacht - New Year's Eve charter in Croatia. If you want to know what it looks like in practice and what you can count on, please read on.

The only such day

There are many ways to spend New Year's Eve - from more extravagant ones, such as a comfortable armchair, slippers and "New Year's Eve with Two", to classic ones, such as having fun with friends, going to the mountains or just a cruise together.

Each of the options may seem equally tempting, but this year it is definitely worth betting on a cruise. Why? There are at least a few reasons:

1. You can reflect on the fact that this year it was practically impossible to sail in the summer.
2. You have a chance to see Croatia from a different perspective and in a different version than usual.
3. You can get wind in your sails (literally) by charging yourself with positive energy and leaving the problems of the ending year far behind you.
4. You can also take the cruise of a lifetime at a REALLY bargain price. It is worth remembering that on New Year's Eve there are units 5 times cheaper than in the high season. For example, for the Lagoon 52 catamaran during the holidays (price for August 2021) you will have to pay over EUR 15,000, and on New Year's Eve - only EUR 2,800.

Sounds interesting, right? However, the question remains, how to plan such a cruise? You can find our tips below.

New Year's Eve in Croatia - where to go?

If you have ever been on a cruise in Croatia, you probably know that it is a very diverse country: life on small islands is completely different than in large, typical tourist towns. Perhaps you also have places you want to return to.

However, if you do not have your own experience or you just want to see something new, remember to carefully plan the route of your New Year's Eve cruise. Croatians largely resemble the mentality of Poles - they also like to play outdoors and are also characterized by Slavic fantasy. Depending on whether you are focused on sailing and celebrating with your own company, or you plan to join a larger party, your route should lead through other places.

Croatian celebration

If you are interested in boisterous parties or concerts, it is definitely worth betting on cities where big New Year's Eve parties take place every year. Particularly interesting proposals include:

  • Split - the place where the main New Year's Eve celebrations are usually organized is the Riva Promenade.
  • Zadar - here the same role is taken over by the Narodni trg square.
  • Dubrovnik - here the celebration is loudest, largest and, according to experienced sailors, the most attractive. Townspeople and visitors gather on Stradun Street, where the sounds of Croatian music go on together until the morning in the open air.
  • Trogir - a beautiful, atmospheric city, where the medieval Kamerlengo Fortress illuminated with fireworks creates an unforgettable, almost fairy-tale scenery.

If, on the other hand, you focus mainly on sailing, it is better to avoid the main routes and focus on small towns and islands located off the beaten track. However, take into account the fact that not all marinas have to be open all year round - it is best to look for specific places and call or write. By the way, you can book a place in case it turns out that the marina operates to a limited extent, and there are more amateurs of New Year's Eve sailing.

What can you gain?

It is worth remembering that when going to Croatia outside the holiday season, you can make really significant savings: there are fewer people, and thus - they generate lower demand, which has a very pleasant effect on lowering charter prices.

Also remember that the New Year's Eve cruise does not necessarily have to start on Saturday. Nor does it have to last the usual seven days.

Importantly, shipowners really go hand in hand with customers. Some even declare that if it turns out that the borders will be closed due to covid, you can withdraw up to 10 days before the start of the cruise, recovering all the cash paid. However, if such a change occurs later than 10 days before departure, you have the option to postpone the cruise to another date.

What else is worth remembering?

When going on a New Year's Eve cruise to Croatia, you should consider two more important issues:

  • Firstly, evenings and mornings can (but don't have to) be cool. So it's best to choose a boat with webasto or air conditioning, so that you can enjoy a nice warmth regardless of the weather.
  • Secondly, take into account the fact that the wind can favor you to varying degrees. Therefore, it is worth planning the route of the cruise in such a way that there are no long flights, which would have to be covered on the engine in the face of cold weather and cold.

Yacht charter for New Year's Eve - what will the weather be like?

Of course, no one knows. Our experience so far shows, however, that usually on New Year's Eve in Croatia it is much warmer than in our country. In the last few years, thermometers showed from a few to even a dozen or so degrees Celsius, which is a really nice alternative in relation to Polish conditions.

Of course, this does not mean that you can only take shorts on a cruise; warm clothes will be most useful to you, but there is a real option that you will spend New Year's Eve on a yacht in your favorite T-shirt. If you really want, you can complete this styling with a tie. Yes, out of pure, nautical contrariness. So, interested?

The latest sailing advice from Charter Navigator

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