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Age of the unit
from 0 to10 years
Unit length
from 2 to 10 ft
from 2 to 10 m
from 2 to 10
Cabins number
from 2 to 10
Number of toilets
from 2 to 10
Unit type
Yacht type
Price in EUR

Traveling to Croatia during the pandemic - December 2020

Traveling to Croatia during the pandemic - December 2020 The Republic of Croatia is one of the places most often visited by Polish sailors. They are attracted by the mild climate, similar language and mentality, as well as excellent sailing conditions. During the epidemic, however, traveling requires more self-denial - which of course does not mean that they are impossible. On the other hand, less tourist traffic means ... more space for those of us who, despite some difficulties, decide to travel. Lower prices, less crowded ports and wild nature, not suffocated by tourists, are the arguments that definitely speak for taking a cruise right now.

Croatia in December 2020

What is the current situation of people who would like to sail? It depends from where
they arrive. If a country is in the European Center Green List
for Disease Prevention and Control, its citizens can enter Croatia without
obstacles. Unfortunately, Poland is not on this list. By the way, this is not a long list
– currently, of all EU countries, only the island "Fasta" in Finland is on it.
For this reason, according to the latest regulations, when arriving in Croatia,
We are obligated:
· present a negative PCR test result for SARS-CoV-2. The result cannot be
older than 48 hours, counting from the moment of taking the sample to the appearance at the crossing
undergo a PCR test for SARS-CoV-2. It is performed immediately after
arrival in Croatia at the expense of the examined person. Until a negative result is obtained
the tested person must remain in self-isolation.
How long will it take? And what about New Year's Eve?
The introduced restrictions are to apply for two weeks, until December 15, 2020 - if
so they will not be extended, they will not cover New Year's Eve and you will be able to come to
Croatia without any problems.

Regulations change dynamically, so it is worth keeping an eye on the situation. Is not
after all, it is impossible that Poland will be on the Green List, or that the situation
epidemic in Europe and in the world will clarify so much that restrictions for travelers
will be mitigated or even abolished.
For now, all we have to do is adapt and do a test for peace of mind. Let's try
understand the other side - Croats live largely from tourism, but
at the same time, they cannot allow a situation in which their own health is left behind
threatened by someone who decided to get well under sail, helping in the process
the virus to the crew and accidentally encountered people.
Let's stay healthy and stay positive. The virus won't last forever, that's why
it is worth keeping your finger on the pulse and following the emerging offers, the more so that they may appear
real gems among them.

The latest sailing advice from Charter Navigator

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