Choose a sailing area
Cruise length
Age of the unit
from 0 to10 years
Unit length
from 2 to 10 ft
from 2 to 10 m
from 2 to 10
Cabins number
from 2 to 10
Number of toilets
from 2 to 10
Unit type
Yacht type
Price in EUR

Luxury yachts for rent - how much does it cost and where to look?

Luxury yachts for rent - how much does it cost and where to look? Do you like luxury yachts? Do you want to learn more about their equipment, parameters and possibilities they offer? Or maybe you are wondering whether such an extravagance as renting a luxury yacht is within your financial reach? If you want to know the answers to these questions, read the article below - it contains a lot of useful information that will certainly interest you.

What does luxury mean?

Of course, this is a relative matter: for some of us, an exclusive yacht will be one with air conditioning, a swimming pool, a well-equipped bar and a jacuzzi on board. Others consider all these amenities only as a necessary standard.

Luxury will certainly be one thing for a billionaire accustomed to an appropriately high standard of living, and another thing for groups of friends or newlyweds who decide to rent such a unit for the first time and must carefully plan this expense in their budget.

And speaking of money, you may be wondering how much a luxury yacht costs? In fact, there is no answer to this question, although the amount you have to pay for a luxury motor or sailing yacht could certainly make us feel a little dizzy. Obviously, in the case of this type of "toys", a lot depends on details such as size, style and equipment. All these parameters are the result of the imagination of builders and the requirements of buyers - and these seem to confirm the saying "sky is the limit".

How much does a luxury yacht cost?

You can find information on the Internet that the most luxurious yacht in the world (so far - because the last word has certainly not been said on this matter) is History Supreme. This 30-meter-long vessel cost $4.8 billion, took three years to build and required... 100,000 kg of gold and platinum. But it doesn't end there - other valuable materials were used inside, such as a meteorite with a real... dinosaur bone. Something like this simply has to cost money.

Another well-known luxury yacht is Eclipse, valued at a modest $1.5 billion. The unit was built in 2010 for Roman Abramowicz and for three years it remained the most expensive in the world. In addition to the standard amenities typical of this type of boat (24 cabins, 2 swimming pools, disco room, mini bathyscaphe...), Eclipse is also equipped with an impressive safety system and a rocket launcher.

A luxury yacht for you – and why not?

You may be surprised by the fact that there are as many as 5,000 luxury yachts in the world. What's more, about one fifth of them are for sale - so if you have enough cash, there are no obstacles to owning this type of toy. All you need to do is go to the Monaco Yacht Show and take part in the bidding. The average asking price is “only” $38 million.

Famous actors, celebrities, politicians and billionaires purchase luxury yachts for their own pleasure - and probably to emphasize their status. Even if you don't fall into any of these groups and can't afford to buy such a boat, it doesn't mean you don't have a chance to see what it's like to go on a cruise.

There are a number of companies offering luxury yachts for rent on the Internet; so if you want to celebrate an important occasion in this way, or simply make your dream come true - you can take advantage of such an offer. It usually includes not only chartering the boat itself, but also hiring a crew, a cook and a photographer who will capture these extraordinary moments.

Luxury yachts for Kowalski

How much does it cost to rent a luxury yacht? As in the case of "ordinary" boats, a lot depends on factors such as:

  • age of the individual,
  • its equipment,
  • body of water,
  • cruise date.

Usually, however, a luxury yacht for rent costs around PLN 2,500 per day. Is that a lot? Yes and no: you can certainly spend the money more wisely, but on the other hand - if you really care about it, it is probably worth choosing such an extravagance.

After all, making your dreams come true is priceless, and you only live once. Also remember that luxury yachts are usually quite large units, intended for more than one passenger. So if you decide to charter with a group of friends, the costs of renting a boat will be divided among several people.

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