Choose a sailing area
Cruise length
Age of the unit
from 0 to10 years
Unit length
from 2 to 10 ft
from 2 to 10 m
from 2 to 10
Cabins number
from 2 to 10
Number of toilets
from 2 to 10
Unit type
Yacht type
Price in EUR

Do you know useful apps for traveling?

Do you know useful apps for traveling? Traveling is not always easy, but it can be done without unnecessary stress. When planning a vacation on a yacht, it is worth having applications that will make the trip easier. However, let's start from the beginning, i.e. with applications that will be useful to everyone. In the next section, we will discuss applications useful for sailors.

1. Revolut

It is a banking application that gives us a lot of possibilities. However, let's start at the beginning. First of all, the application itself and the virtual card are free, by transferring money to the account, you can later exchange it for another currency. The exchange rates in the application are usually better than in exchange offices. Secondly, no more billing problems with your friends. Your friend paid for dinner and you have to give her 20 euros back? The same problem always arises here, at what rate to return the money? Thanks to Revolut, you can transfer money in different currencies, the only condition is that the other person must also have the application.

2. Blah blah car

You can have mixed feelings about this application, especially at the beginning, because how do you get into a car with a stranger? However, after a few trips and familiarizing yourself with the rules, you will find that it is an option similar to a taxi. You choose where you want to go and ads of other people who will travel this route pop up. Payment is made via the app only. Why use bla bla car? Because it is much cheaper than buses and trains.
And everything would be perfect if it wasn't for the problems with finding rides in other countries through the application. In this case, it is best to use a browser, and only after booking a ride will we see it on our application.

3. Too good to go

Have you ever heard of this app? Probably not, unfortunately it is not popular in Poland. The application is that restaurants, bakeries and shops advertise that they have products with a short expiration date or that they no longer need and will give them away for a small amount of money. Typically, the price of such a package is 3-5 euros. Don't worry, it's not expired food, it's food that would have been thrown away because, for example, a new delivery is scheduled tomorrow. The idea of the application not to waste food is really good. This is an ideal option if you want to save on holidays and eat local products while taking care of the environment.

4. MAPS.ME and Google Maps

MAPS.ME are navigable maps that do not require an internet connection. This application will not only guide you to your destination, but also show you all the restaurants and hotels in the area. Maps are free and available worldwide. However, the most important thing is that the application is updated on a regular basis, so you should not be surprised by any renovations. However, when it comes to maps, we always recommend having several apps. Another app worth installing is Google Maps. Maps are also free and available anywhere in the world. It is worth remembering, however, that the maps also work in offline mode, but repairs and traffic jams are not displayed then. Remember to turn off the Internet outside the EU, as the operator will charge you additional fees.

5. Skyscanner

The skyscnaner application is a flight search engine that gives you many possibilities. We can use the "Discover the World" option, which will show us the cheapest flights around the world. The best offers currently available in the application are: Gdańsk-Stockholm PLN 81, Gdańsk-Hamburg PLN 84, Katowice-Milan PLN 119 or Poznań-Paris PLN 168. Skyscanner also gives us the ability to search for flights to specific destinations on specific dates. Remember, however, that after searching for an offer, check the flights directly with the airlines. The application shows us the cheapest offers that are often available from intermediaries, and the price from carriers may be higher. Of course, we encourage you to buy tickets directly from the airlines, and if you are wondering why, you can find more information in the entry: " Cheap flights, is it possible? ( ”.

6. Google Translate

If you are not a polyglot who knows all the languages of the countries you visit, be sure to download Google Translate. The app will translate your text into over 100 different languages. Plus, thanks to Google Translator, you can talk to others in languages you don't know. All you have to do is say a sentence and the app will say it for you in the selected language. However, to use the application, you need Internet access or you need to download the appropriate language pack beforehand.

Do you have any apps you can't imagine traveling without? We invite you to comment and share your ways to travel easily and cheaply.

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