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from 0 to10 years
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from 2 to 10 ft
from 2 to 10 m
from 2 to 10
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from 2 to 10
Number of toilets
from 2 to 10
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Price in EUR

Zadar - Croatian Rome

Zadar - Croatian Rome Charming Zadar is the true heart of northern Dalmatia; it is often called "Croatian Rome" or "the city of sun and water". Admittedly, none of these terms are exaggerated in the slightest. It is the fifth largest city in Croatia, and at the same time an important economic, cultural and holiday center. The favorable location means that the city simply had to become a tourist gem - and it took full advantage of this opportunity.

In Zadar there are a lot of interesting buildings of historical importance - let's remember that the beginnings of the city date back to the 4th century BC - so there was really a lot of time to build something interesting. What's more, the history of the region was such that the influences of many different cultures overlapped here - and each left its mark on Zadar. The city was ruled successively by: the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Carolingian Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Kingdom of Croatia, the Republic of Venice and again the Kingdom of Croatia.

Zadar - bridge Bridge in Zadar leading to the water gate

In short, it happened. Residents are aware that Zadar has a lot of potential when it comes to tourism - no wonder that the first travel agency was established there as early as 1899 (by the way, it still operates today).

What is worth seeing?

The correct answer to this question should be: everything, but we assume you don't have that much time. So let's focus on the most important elements and buildings that will allow you to feel the true spirit of this city, as well as taste its dishes.

Zadar Croatia eatery by the sea

When visiting Zadar, you must see the amazing old town, located on a peninsula and connected to the rest of the buildings by a bridge over the Jazine Bay. To get to the old town, you have to go through one of the historic gates. We recommend - in our opinion the most beautiful - the Land Gate (in Croatian: Kopnena Vrata).

Zadar Croatia Water Gate

In the old town, you will certainly not miss the interesting, historic wells located on... Five Wells Square. Not a very sophisticated name, but at least you know what to expect. It is worth remembering that during the Turkish siege, it was these wells that saved the inhabitants of the city. Today, they are merely a picturesque tourist attraction.

When visiting the old town, take a moment to see the historic churches. There are a lot of them, so you probably won't have enough time and energy to see them all. However, be sure to visit the two most important ones, especially since they are right next to each other. These are Crkva Sv. Marije (Church of St. Mary) Crkva sv. Donata (St. Donat's Church) - one of the most photographed buildings in Zadar.

Zadar Croatia Maria Church

A bit of culture!

There are also several museums in the city. The Museum of Illusions is especially worth recommending - very interesting, although small (so it's perfect to feel that you've enriched yourself culturally, and at the same time not get stuck in the corridors for half a day). There are not many exhibits, but they are selected and described in a very interesting way (the explanations are also in English, which should be considered a big plus). An hour or an hour and a half will be enough for you to enjoy them.

Zadar Croatia sea organ

As people of the sea, while visiting Zadar, we couldn't deprive ourselves of the pleasure of seeing one of the most important symbols of Croatia - the Sea Organ played by nature itself. The crashing waves make the installation eerie, so even though we're not particularly musical, the Organ impressed us.

Zadar Croatia sea organ

Something for the body

Visiting even the most beautiful corners and the most interesting museums with an empty stomach is a bad idea. If you get hungry, it's worth visiting the local pubs - Gricko Grillna ul. Franje Tudjman. A small, atmospheric restaurant with reasonable prices for this location. The menu is quite modest, but maybe that's why it's refined. We wholeheartedly recommend čevapi, although other dishes also pleasantly surprised us.

If you want more exclusive dishes and a more elegant atmosphere, check out the Butler Gourmet&Cocktails Garden, located right next to the port and offering a beautiful view of the entire bay. The dishes are not only tasty (especially fish!), but also served in an interesting way. Although it is not cheap, the value for money is really excellent.

Zadar Croatia street of eateries

Of course, when visiting Zadar, don't forget to buy a local specialty - Maraskino liqueur. Although today Italians also joined its production, initially it was produced only in Dalmatia. The characteristic aftertaste is due to the composition of wild Dalmatian cherry, orange, rose petals and other tasty ingredients. The liqueur is quite strong (up to 40% alcohol), so do not overdo it with consumption.

Where is it worth mooring?

Getting to the vicinity of Zadar is not a major problem, but finding the right spot is, especially in the high season. Fortunately, you have a couple of options to choose from.

If you want to visit Zadar, it is best to stay at Marina Tankerkomerc. It is quite comfortable even for inexperienced sailors, and its location makes it sheltered from the wind, quiet and calm - which does not mean that it is empty.

If you do not find a place there, you can look for it in the neighborhood - in Marina Borik 44°07'54'' N, 15°12'36''E, VHF 17. It is cozy and open all year round, although it is located some distance from center. It makes up for it with a lovely beach and clean water. The marina is located in Fratara Bay. At the entrance on the head of the western breakwater there is a red pole (red light), so finding it should not be a problem.

Another option is to stop at Marina Dalmacija, located in Sukošan (44°3'10''N, 15°18'4''E, VHF 17). It is perhaps the largest marina in Croatia. Nevertheless, it is quite comfortable even for inexperienced sailors, and its location in a natural bay makes it sheltered from the wind, quiet and peaceful. The depth at the entrance to the bay is about 5 meters, but in the central part it is only three meters - so it is worth keeping your attention and carefully following the echo sounder indications. The marina is really vast, which does not mean that you will always find a place there.

Zadar Croatia yacht moored at the bridge

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