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The Kingdom of Tonga is located in the archipelago of the same name, in Polynesia, in the South Pacific, one third of the way between New Zealand and Hawaii, south of Samoa, east of Fiji. It consists of 171 islands divided into three main groups: Tongatapu, Ha'apai, Vava'u. Nuku'alofa on the main island of Tongatapu is the capital of this constitutional monarchy. The islands of Tonga are mostly low coral atolls, only a few are of volcanic origin with active volcanoes. Forests cover 11% of the country's area. He lives here the world's largest bat - the flying fox, as well as many species of birds. In the season from June to November, the area is a refuge for huge herds of humpback whales, which often follow yachts in the company of newborn cubs.
The archipelago is under the influence of the humid equatorial climate. The best time to visit the islands is from May to October. Summer (November-April) is the season of hurricane winds, sweltering heat and rain. The average air temperature in January is 30°C, and in July 25°C (the temperature oscillates around 24°C throughout the year). Tropical cyclones are frequent.
Winds from the southeast blow between 15 and 25 knots between May and September. In contrast, in summer, north-easterly winds reach 10 to 20 knots. Sailing takes place with the target in sight, but pay attention to the maps due to the numerous coral reefs. The tide jumps are slightly over 0.9 m. The currents here are rather weak, except for those that we encounter in narrow passages. The picturesque anchorages are well protected from the waves of the ocean. There are numerous resorts and restaurants on the island, as well as very cordial and friendly natives. Capt. During one of his voyages in 1773, J. Cook, enchanted by the hospitality of the Tongans, named this archipelago Friendly Islands, i.e. Happy Islands. This is how he wanted to describe the people he met there. Along with the Tongian version of Polynesian, everyone speaks English. The sailing base of the South Pacific is the natural harbor of Neiafu , one of the most scenic, deep and completely sheltered. In addition to it, sailors will find dozens of other safe anchorages.
Cities / Ports / Marinas / Anchorages
Vava'u - is the northernmost group of islands. The hilly and tree-covered coral islands that make up Vava'u are true sailing jewels of Tonga. Miles of white beaches, coral reefs and crystal clear waters make these islands top the list of excellent diving destinations. They have many beautiful lagoons, white beaches made of coral squeak and coconut plantations. There are plenty of beautiful places to anchor, and the distances between the islands are short. The reefs provide calm waters while the blowing trade winds ensure excellent sailing virtually every day. Neiafu is the main port of the region and the villages of Makave, Taoa, Toula and Vaimalo are nearby.
While exploring the group of Vava'u islands, it is worth visiting: Port Maurelle - a beautiful and natural anchorage and a perfect starting point for a further cruise. Near Neiafu is the island of Kapa with the famous Swallows Cave. The huge lagoon, the traditional Tongan village, and the Club Hunga resort are the highlights of Hunga Island. N'uapapu is famous for its fascinating Mariner Cave. The best snorkeling on the reef is off Mananita and Kenutu . The islands are also famous for their safe anchorages and beautiful white coral beaches. A new mini-resort with a restaurant can be found on the small, sandy beach of Mounu . The most photographed and most popular island is Nuku and the adjacent Ava - a perfect place for beginner divers and swimmers.
Curiosities and tips
- Direct flights to Tonga are operated by the following airlines: Air New Zealand, Air Pacific, Polynesian Airlines, Air Fiji, Samoa Air and Pacific Blue. Auckland (New Zealand) and Suwa (Fiji) have the most connections. Most international flights land at Fuamotu International Airport (about 15 km south-east of Nukualofa) and Lupepa'u International Airport (on Vava'u Island, where the charter base is located). In December and January, many Tongans working abroad return home, so it can be difficult to book a plane ticket.
- Polish citizens do not need entry visas to Tonga. The Immigration Office of the Kingdom entered Poland on the list of countries whose citizens can stay in this country without a visa, provided that their stay does not exceed 30 days.
- The currency in Tonga is pa'anga (PLN 1 = 0.65 pa'anga). Food and lodging in Tonga are among the cheapest in the South Pacific. A day's stay in Tonga costs a minimum of USD 35, but it's better to carry twice as much in reserve, which will allow you to admire this country a bit more. There is no problem with exchanging money in larger cities. Banks are usually open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 16:00, but in Nuku'alofa and Neiafu also on Saturday morning. Credit cards are widely accepted and Nuku'alofa has recently opened its first ATM. Tips and haggling are not customary.
- Although Tonga is located on the meridian around 174-175°W, i.e. 6° from the International Date Line (180°), the Tongans, along with the inhabitants of distant Siberia, are the first in the world to welcome the new day. The date line at the height of Tonga was bent to the east to cover the whole country.
- The first Europeans to visit Tonga were Dutch explorers Willem Schouten and Jacob Le Maire in 1616, followed by James Cook in 1773, 1774 and 1777, London missionaries in 1794 and Methodist missionary Walter Lawrey in 1822.
- The Kingdom of Tonga is the only country in the Pacific that has never lost its independence, has not fallen under the yoke of any colonial empire. It is the only monarchy in the Pacific (other than monarchies in personal union with Great Britain) and the only one belonging to the British Commonwealth (other than the United Kingdom). The royal power is much greater than in European monarchies, and the respect for the king is as high as it was centuries ago and is closely related to the Tongan tradition.
- In many Polynesian languages, the word "Tonga" means "south". The name of the country comes from the word "Tongahahake" translating "south", originally meaning "the wind blows from the south-eastern part of the country".
- All drug-related offenses are punished extremely severely. Homosexuality carries heavy prison terms. It is recommended that you wear modest clothing as it is an offense to walk the street with incomplete clothing.
- The most interesting and colorful cultural and entertainment events include :
> June (4): Independence Day (1970);
> July (4): the most important event is the birthday of King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV;
> July: Heilal a festival (the name of the flower - the national symbol of Tonga). Colorful parades march through the streets of cities decorated with flower garlands, dozens of concerts and dance shows take place;
> September: Anglers from all over the world flock to Tonga for the famous tuna fishing competition.